List of books and academic articles on President Barack Obama
(This list is frequently updated.)
(This list is frequently updated.)
Garrow, David J. Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. New York: William Morrow, 2017.
Maraniss, David. Barack Obama: The Story. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012.
Obama, Barack. The Audacity of Hope. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006.
—. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. New York: Kodansha Globe, 1996.
Election & Presidency
Alexander, Jeffrey C. The Performance of Politics: Obama's Victory and the Democratic Struggle for Power. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Alter, Jonathan. The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013.
—. The Promise: President Obama, Year One. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011.
Burnside, Randolph and Whitehurst, Kami. "From the Statehouse to the White House: Barack Obama's Bid to Become the Next President." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 75-89.
Curtis, Mark. Age of Obama: A Reporter's Journey with Clinton, McCain and Obama in the Making of the President 2008. Ann Arbor, MI: Nimble Books, 2009.
Plouffe, David. The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama's Historic Victory. New York: Viking, 2009.
Race and Black Studies
Atwater, Deborah F. "Senator Barack Obama: The Rhetoric of Hope and the American Dream." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 121-129.
Banner-Haley, Charles, P. From Du Bois to Obama: African American Intellectuals in the Public Forum. Carbondale: IL, 2010.
Brooks, Roy L. Racial Justice in the Age of Obama. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Daniel, G. Reginal and Williams, Hettie V., eds. Race and the Obama Phenomenon: The Vision of a More Perfect Multuricacial Union. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2014.
David R., Roediger. How Race Survived U.S. History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon. New York: Verso, 2008.
Dorsey, Margaret E. "Senator Barack Obama and Immigration Reform." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 90-104.
Hartnell, Anna. Rewriting Exodus: American Futures from Du Bois to Obama. London: Pluto Press, 2011.
Henry, Charles P., Allen, Robert L., Chrisman, Robert, eds. Obama Phenomenon: Toward a Multiracial Democracy. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
Hill, Johnny Bernard. The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics, and the American Dream. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Kenneth W. Mack and Guy-Uriel E. Charles, eds. The New Black. New York: The New York Press, 2013.
Marable, Manning and Clarck, Kristen, eds. Barack Obama and African American Empowerment: The Rise of Black America's New Leadership. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
McIlwain, Charlton D. "Peceptions of Leadership and the Challenge of Obama's Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1: 64-74.
Nordin, Dennis S. From Edward Brooke to Barack Obama: African American Political Success, 1966-2008. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2012.
Sugrue, Thomas J. Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Walters, Ron. "Barack Obama and the Politics of Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 7 (July 2007): 7–29.
American Political Thought
Kesler, Charles R. I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism. New York: Broadside Books, 2012.
Kloppenberg, James T. Reading Obama: Dreams Hope, and the American Political Tradition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
O'Brien, Ruth. Out of Many, One: Obama and the Third American Political Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Renshon, Stanley A. Barack Obama and the Politics of Redemption. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Reifowitz, Ian. Obama's America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2012.
Skocpol, Theda. Obama and America's Political Future. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012.
Foreign Policy
Dueck, Colin. The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Gerges, Fawaz A. Obama and the Middle East: The End of America's Moment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Indy, Martin S., Lieberthal, Kenneth G., O'Hanlon, Michael E. Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2012.
Renshon, Stanley A. National Security in the Obama Administration: Reassessing the Bush Doctrine. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Sestanovich, Stephen. Maximalist: America in the World From Truman to Obama. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.
Woodward, Bob. Obama's Wars. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010.
Holder, R. Ward and Josephson, Peter B. The Irony of Barack Obama: Barack Obama, Reinhold Niebuhr and the Problem of Christian Statecraft. New York: Routledge, 2012.
McMickle, Marvin A. The Audacity of Faith: Christian Leaders Reflect on the Election of Barack Obama. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2009.
Avlon, John. Wingnuts: Extremism in the Age of Obama. New ed. Philadelphia, PA: Beast Books, 2010, 2014.
Bunch, Will. The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama. New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
D'Souza, Dinesh. Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2012.
—. The Roots of Obama's Rage. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Elliot, Aaron Klein and Brenda J. The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists. New York: WND Books, 2010.
Limbaugh, David. Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Malkin, Michelle. Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2009.
Mattera, Jason. Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation. New York: Threshold Editions, 2010.
McCullough, Kevin. No He Can't: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2011.
Garrow, David J. Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. New York: William Morrow, 2017.
Maraniss, David. Barack Obama: The Story. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012.
Obama, Barack. The Audacity of Hope. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006.
—. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. New York: Kodansha Globe, 1996.
Election & Presidency
Alexander, Jeffrey C. The Performance of Politics: Obama's Victory and the Democratic Struggle for Power. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Alter, Jonathan. The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013.
—. The Promise: President Obama, Year One. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011.
Burnside, Randolph and Whitehurst, Kami. "From the Statehouse to the White House: Barack Obama's Bid to Become the Next President." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 75-89.
Curtis, Mark. Age of Obama: A Reporter's Journey with Clinton, McCain and Obama in the Making of the President 2008. Ann Arbor, MI: Nimble Books, 2009.
Plouffe, David. The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama's Historic Victory. New York: Viking, 2009.
Race and Black Studies
Atwater, Deborah F. "Senator Barack Obama: The Rhetoric of Hope and the American Dream." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 121-129.
Banner-Haley, Charles, P. From Du Bois to Obama: African American Intellectuals in the Public Forum. Carbondale: IL, 2010.
Brooks, Roy L. Racial Justice in the Age of Obama. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Daniel, G. Reginal and Williams, Hettie V., eds. Race and the Obama Phenomenon: The Vision of a More Perfect Multuricacial Union. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2014.
David R., Roediger. How Race Survived U.S. History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon. New York: Verso, 2008.
Dorsey, Margaret E. "Senator Barack Obama and Immigration Reform." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 90-104.
Hartnell, Anna. Rewriting Exodus: American Futures from Du Bois to Obama. London: Pluto Press, 2011.
Henry, Charles P., Allen, Robert L., Chrisman, Robert, eds. Obama Phenomenon: Toward a Multiracial Democracy. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
Hill, Johnny Bernard. The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics, and the American Dream. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Kenneth W. Mack and Guy-Uriel E. Charles, eds. The New Black. New York: The New York Press, 2013.
Marable, Manning and Clarck, Kristen, eds. Barack Obama and African American Empowerment: The Rise of Black America's New Leadership. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
McIlwain, Charlton D. "Peceptions of Leadership and the Challenge of Obama's Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1: 64-74.
Nordin, Dennis S. From Edward Brooke to Barack Obama: African American Political Success, 1966-2008. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2012.
Sugrue, Thomas J. Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Walters, Ron. "Barack Obama and the Politics of Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 7 (July 2007): 7–29.
American Political Thought
Kesler, Charles R. I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism. New York: Broadside Books, 2012.
Kloppenberg, James T. Reading Obama: Dreams Hope, and the American Political Tradition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
O'Brien, Ruth. Out of Many, One: Obama and the Third American Political Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Renshon, Stanley A. Barack Obama and the Politics of Redemption. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Reifowitz, Ian. Obama's America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2012.
Skocpol, Theda. Obama and America's Political Future. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012.
Foreign Policy
Dueck, Colin. The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Gerges, Fawaz A. Obama and the Middle East: The End of America's Moment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Indy, Martin S., Lieberthal, Kenneth G., O'Hanlon, Michael E. Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2012.
Renshon, Stanley A. National Security in the Obama Administration: Reassessing the Bush Doctrine. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Sestanovich, Stephen. Maximalist: America in the World From Truman to Obama. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.
Woodward, Bob. Obama's Wars. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010.
Holder, R. Ward and Josephson, Peter B. The Irony of Barack Obama: Barack Obama, Reinhold Niebuhr and the Problem of Christian Statecraft. New York: Routledge, 2012.
McMickle, Marvin A. The Audacity of Faith: Christian Leaders Reflect on the Election of Barack Obama. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2009.
Avlon, John. Wingnuts: Extremism in the Age of Obama. New ed. Philadelphia, PA: Beast Books, 2010, 2014.
Bunch, Will. The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama. New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
D'Souza, Dinesh. Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2012.
—. The Roots of Obama's Rage. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Elliot, Aaron Klein and Brenda J. The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists. New York: WND Books, 2010.
Limbaugh, David. Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Malkin, Michelle. Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2009.
Mattera, Jason. Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation. New York: Threshold Editions, 2010.
McCullough, Kevin. No He Can't: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2011.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. The Performance of Politics: Obama's Victory and the Democratic Struggle for Power. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2010.
Alter, Jonathan. The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013.
—. The Promise: President Obama, Year One. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011.
Atwater, Deborah F. "Senator Barack Obama: The Rhetoric of Hope and the American Dream." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 121-129.
Avlon, John. Wingnuts: Extremism in the Age of Obama. New ed. Philadelphia, PA: Beast Books, 2010, 2014.
Banner-Haley, Charles, P. From Du Bois to Obama: African American Intellectuals in the Public Forum. Carbondale: IL, 2010.
Brooks, Roy L. Racial Justice in the Age of Obama. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Bunch, Will. The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama. New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
Burnside, Randolph and Whitehurst, Kami. "From the Statehouse to the White House: Barack Obama's Bid to Become the Next President." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 75-89.
Curtis, Mark. Age of Obama: A Reporter's Journey with Clinton, McCain and Obama in the Making of the President 2008. Ann Arbor, MI: Nimble Books, 2009.
David R., Roediger. How Race Survived U.S. History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon. New York: Verso, 2008.
Daniel, G. Reginal and Williams, Hettie V., eds. Race and the Obama Phenomenon: The Vision of a More Perfect Multiracial Union. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2014.
Dorsey, Margaret E. "Senator Barack Obama and Immigration Reform." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 90-104.
D'Souza, Dinesh. Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2012.
—. The Roots of Obama's Rage. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Dueck, Colin. The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Elliot, Aaron Klein and Brenda J. The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists. New York: WND Books, 2010.
Garrow, David J. Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. New York: William Morrow, 2017.
Gerges, Fawaz A. Obama and the Middle East: The End of America's Moment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Hartnell, Anna. Rewriting Exodus: American Futures from Du Bois to Obama. London: Pluto Press, 2011.
Henry, Charles P., Allen, Robert L., Chrisman, Robert, eds. Obama Phenomenon: Toward a Multiracial Democracy. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
Hill, Johnny Bernard. The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics, and the American Dream. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Holder, R. Ward and Josephson, Peter B. The Irony of Barack Obama: Barack Obama, Reinhold Niebuhr and the Problem of Christian Statecraft. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Indy, Martin S., Lieberthal, Kenneth G., O'Hanlon, Michael E. Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2012.
Kenneth W. Mack and Guy-Uriel E. Charles, eds. The New Black. New York: The New York Press, 2013.
Kesler, Charles R. I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism. New York: Broadside Books, 2012.
Kloppenberg, James T. Reading Obama: Dreams Hope, and the American Political Tradition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
Limbaugh, David. Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Malkin, Michelle. Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. Washintgon, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2009.
Marable, Manning and Clarke, Kristen, eds. Barack Obama and African American Empowerment: The Rise of Black America's New Leadership. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Maraniss, David. Barack Obama: The Story. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012.
Mattera, Jason. Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation. New York: Threshold Editions, 2010.
McCullough, Kevin. No He Can't: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2011.
McIlwain, Charlton D. "Peceptions of Leadership and the Challenge of Obama's Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1: 64-74.
McMickle, Marvin A. The Audacity of Faith: Christian Leaders Reflect on the Election of Barack Obama. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2009.
Nordin, Dennis S. From Edward Brooke to Barack Obama: African American Political Success, 1966-2008. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2012.
Obama, Barack. The Audacity of Hope. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006.
—. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. New York: Kodansha Globe, 1996.
O'Brien, Ruth. Out of Many, One: Obama and the Third American Political Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Plouffe, David. The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama's Historic Victory. New York: Viking, 2009.
Reifowitz, Ian. Obama's America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2012.
Renshon, Stanley A. Barack Obama and the Politics of Redemption. New York: Routledge, 2012.
—. National Security in the Obama Administration: Reassessing the Bush Doctrine. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Skocpol, Theda. Obama and America's Political Future. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012.
Sugrue, Thomas J. Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Walters, Ron. "Barack Obama and the Politics of Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 7 (July 2007): 7–29.
Woodward, Bob. Obama's Wars. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010.
University Press, 2010.
Alter, Jonathan. The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013.
—. The Promise: President Obama, Year One. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011.
Atwater, Deborah F. "Senator Barack Obama: The Rhetoric of Hope and the American Dream." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 121-129.
Avlon, John. Wingnuts: Extremism in the Age of Obama. New ed. Philadelphia, PA: Beast Books, 2010, 2014.
Banner-Haley, Charles, P. From Du Bois to Obama: African American Intellectuals in the Public Forum. Carbondale: IL, 2010.
Brooks, Roy L. Racial Justice in the Age of Obama. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
Bunch, Will. The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama. New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
Burnside, Randolph and Whitehurst, Kami. "From the Statehouse to the White House: Barack Obama's Bid to Become the Next President." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 75-89.
Curtis, Mark. Age of Obama: A Reporter's Journey with Clinton, McCain and Obama in the Making of the President 2008. Ann Arbor, MI: Nimble Books, 2009.
David R., Roediger. How Race Survived U.S. History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon. New York: Verso, 2008.
Daniel, G. Reginal and Williams, Hettie V., eds. Race and the Obama Phenomenon: The Vision of a More Perfect Multiracial Union. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2014.
Dorsey, Margaret E. "Senator Barack Obama and Immigration Reform." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1 (September 2007): 90-104.
D'Souza, Dinesh. Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2012.
—. The Roots of Obama's Rage. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Dueck, Colin. The Obama Doctrine: American Grand Strategy Today. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Elliot, Aaron Klein and Brenda J. The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists. New York: WND Books, 2010.
Garrow, David J. Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. New York: William Morrow, 2017.
Gerges, Fawaz A. Obama and the Middle East: The End of America's Moment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Hartnell, Anna. Rewriting Exodus: American Futures from Du Bois to Obama. London: Pluto Press, 2011.
Henry, Charles P., Allen, Robert L., Chrisman, Robert, eds. Obama Phenomenon: Toward a Multiracial Democracy. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011.
Hill, Johnny Bernard. The First Black President: Barack Obama, Race, Politics, and the American Dream. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Holder, R. Ward and Josephson, Peter B. The Irony of Barack Obama: Barack Obama, Reinhold Niebuhr and the Problem of Christian Statecraft. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Indy, Martin S., Lieberthal, Kenneth G., O'Hanlon, Michael E. Bending History: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2012.
Kenneth W. Mack and Guy-Uriel E. Charles, eds. The New Black. New York: The New York Press, 2013.
Kesler, Charles R. I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism. New York: Broadside Books, 2012.
Kloppenberg, James T. Reading Obama: Dreams Hope, and the American Political Tradition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
Limbaugh, David. Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2010.
Malkin, Michelle. Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. Washintgon, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2009.
Marable, Manning and Clarke, Kristen, eds. Barack Obama and African American Empowerment: The Rise of Black America's New Leadership. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Maraniss, David. Barack Obama: The Story. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012.
Mattera, Jason. Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation. New York: Threshold Editions, 2010.
McCullough, Kevin. No He Can't: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2011.
McIlwain, Charlton D. "Peceptions of Leadership and the Challenge of Obama's Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 1: 64-74.
McMickle, Marvin A. The Audacity of Faith: Christian Leaders Reflect on the Election of Barack Obama. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2009.
Nordin, Dennis S. From Edward Brooke to Barack Obama: African American Political Success, 1966-2008. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 2012.
Obama, Barack. The Audacity of Hope. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006.
—. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. New York: Kodansha Globe, 1996.
O'Brien, Ruth. Out of Many, One: Obama and the Third American Political Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Plouffe, David. The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama's Historic Victory. New York: Viking, 2009.
Reifowitz, Ian. Obama's America: A Transformative Vision of Our National Identity. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2012.
Renshon, Stanley A. Barack Obama and the Politics of Redemption. New York: Routledge, 2012.
—. National Security in the Obama Administration: Reassessing the Bush Doctrine. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Skocpol, Theda. Obama and America's Political Future. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012.
Sugrue, Thomas J. Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Walters, Ron. "Barack Obama and the Politics of Blackness." Journal of Black Studies, 38, no. 7 (July 2007): 7–29.
Woodward, Bob. Obama's Wars. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2010.